Customize your gallery to best exhibit your artwork.
- Sign in to Galleryst with your Adobe ID if you are not already signed in.
- In Galeryst, select My Galleries from the top navigation.
- Click on the gallery you want to customize. This will open up the gallery's page. You could also click on the ... for the gallery and select Customize gallery... skipping to step 5.
- On the gallery page, click on the Customize button (with the gear symbol) near the top of the page and the customize dialog will open up.
- In this dialog there are a series of tab sections for customizing the various aspects of your gallery
- Details - general gallery details
- Foyer - foyer customizations
- Wings - wing customizations
- Keywords - select the keywords your gallery will show
- Assets - add additional details to assets
- Cards - customize the cards next to the artwork (check the Display cards option on the Details tab to show this)
- Details Tab
- Name - edit the name of the gallery
- Artist name - edit the artist name
- Gallery description - edit the description shown when browsing and in the foyer.
- Theme - apply a theme to the gallery
- Ceiling or sky of gallery space - change the sky or ceiling color
- Display map of artwork locations - If checked, this will
- Use the Lat/Long information defined in Lightroom, or the location information entered in Lightroom to try to determine a Lat/Long for the artwork.
- Show a button
when browsing the gallery to display a map of the artwork to the right.
- All artwork in the gallery that has location information will appear on the gallery browsing map as a pushpin at the locaiton.
- All artwork in the gallery that has location information will appear on the Artwork Map page as a pushpin at the location if the gallery is public.
- Display Card next to artwork - Shows a card with details entered in Lightroom for the artwork.
- Change the sharing options: private, unlisted, or public.
- Foyer Tab
- Wings Tab
- Keywords Tab
- Assets Tab
- Cards TabTo show this tab, check the Display Card next to artwork box on the Details tab. To edit the way the card information displays, you can customize the XML markup on the Cards tab and see a preview of what the card will look like in the gallery.